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(and what better way to start off quotes than with these...)

"I wish I had a camera and a gun." - beleive it or not a teacher actually said this to us in the hall one day... a group of us were in the hall in a bunch on the floor and the teacher stopped, looked at us, said it and walked away...

"I Win!" - from the movie Big Daddy

"Birthday hug!" - this was said by a friend of mine (refered to as Estella) on her birthday as she hugged me and we both fell down the snow covered hill at a local golf course last January

"It wasn't me! It was Bob! I swear!" -ah... and there's another friend (refered to as Silica) blaming something on her imaginary friend...again...

"Roy...." - when something goes wrong what better thing to do than blame it on a ghost? (Roy being the ghost)

"I think she's late." "I think she's a little late""Now I know she's late." - said by "Bonnie" as we realized that "Calista" was only a few hours late to my birthday party last summer...(the first 2 quotes from her went on for a few hours before she knew "Calista" wasn't coming)

"Ever notice that all of the really good quotes are said by Anon.?" - Anon. (I think I remembered that correctly... I found it in an e-mail)

"Don't Shoot!" - All right, I'll admit it, the school I go to is really messed up, this one was said by Silica as we walked done a hall before school and found a teacher hitting golf balls against the door we were about to open. His response was ...

"Don't shoot? What? Do you think I have a gun or something? Do you see a bow and arrows? Don't shoot...."

"Don't worry, the body's still usable" - I had a dream about a boy who in my dream told me he was dead, a few months later my friends and I beleive we may have contacted his spirit. During Spanish one day I was telling "Estella" how cute he had been in my dream, and since acoording to [my dream] he had only died in '99 and this was '00, that's what "Estella" said. (If you were wondering the ghost's name (or nickname, we aren't sure) is Bee.)

"SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -Eight grade spanish party two years ago... Srta. Polonco gave us sugar... alot of it...

"We procrastinate... all the time... together... would you like to procrastinate with us...?" -Said by "Bonnie" and I, in a voice as if we were implying something else...

"That doesn't sound like Townie talk to me..." - said by a teacher as she walked by the band hallway and happened to overhear part of the conversation (Ronan yelling for people not to grab his nipple) going on.

"Sounded like Townie talk to me..." "Yeah..." "Well she's obviously never heard the East Providence Townies talk..." - Three of the responses after the teacher went down the stairs.

"come on people before the light turns purple"
" Purple?"
"yes... if they can't understand that the light is going to turn red any minute now then we'll change the color to purple" - A humorous conversation between Errena and her mom while they were in the car at a green light and the cars weren't moving.

"Looks like rain..." - From the movie Ever After, when Leonardo is walking on water.

"How 'bout this heat?!" - A quote from the song Asshole by Dennis Leary.

"Strange weather we're having, ain't it?" - From the movie Wizard of OZ, when they're in the poppy feild and it starts to snow.